viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

5 draws to remember

I recomend to watch this blog post since the last pix... By the way is on purpose xD

Fifth; Drops, elaborated that's all! (ditto)...

Fourth: My sun, may be is more deeper than I can tell... turn it upside down too...

Third: Essay, that one will tell you how I tend to fall inlove... (idem)

Second, my lost bag, full of symbolisms, also you shall turn the head to the feets...

The first one, you can turn upside down and perhaps you will discover my heart...
(Ars Caritas Est)

lunes, 13 de julio de 2009

Starved and Hungered

This words: STARVED and HUNGERED are relatives?
Their meaning are the same?
If they're opposites can't make you nourish enough or fill your guts?
Why are you still searching for a piece of bread?
Can you save your breath and eat you own sh!t?
Or are you too scared to get some acids damages?
Perhaps you will complete and step upon the emptyness?
Did you ever tried to poison yourself?
Would you try it once again and end that job?
How long do you stayed without eating food?
Who else will save you if you couldn't do it by yourself?
No one knows that, till the times comes by!
Could you return to those ages when nothing cares?
You must feel deprived or at least insane!